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好市民奚先生:看完李沧东的《父亲的东西又长又黑怎么形容他》再来看,公园里的老年镖客视频人生是枝裕和,一个讲评书的,一个诗人导演。 两个娃在山上玩的那段好美!
苗苗是猫猫:院线还是得港片儿 片头“韦家辉”三个红字一出来确实鸡皮疙瘩了
🍊橙子的橙:金陵春梦一朝醒,香港沧桑百年世。 属于关锦鹏自己的活色生香的《父亲的东西又长又黑怎么形容他》。或许是用一个凄美的故事爱情故事借尸还魂,来表达对香港回归以后的担忧? 浮华美艳,醉生梦死的旧年辰光,公园里的老年镖客视频人生是香港人最后的乡愁。人在少年,梦中不觉,醒后终要归去 。
敬爱的车间主任: precise and realistic depiction of domestic violence from the perspectives of the magistrate, the son and the wife, framed by the unrelentingly rational court session in the beginning and the inescapable tension and terror of the final breaking and entering. Every detail in between is a perfect angle well executed. Nice little self-contained piece of cinema with an important socio-political message.